Morocco: Legal and Judicial Sector Assessment

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Title: Morocco: Legal and Judicial Sector Assessment
País: Estados Unidos
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">Banco Mundial</a>Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">Banco Mundial</a>
Reseña: The Kingdom of Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with a population of 30 million. A developing country, Morocco has embraced a market-based economy, but growth remains slow and unemployment, particularly among those under 18, is severe. There have, nonetheless, been significant advances in the education and health sectors. The Moroccan authorities have also supported judicial reform, with the Ministry of Justice playing a key role in launching a wide range of initiatives. The Ministry’s efforts are seen by legal professionals as having improved the functioning of the sector. The public’s perception of the legal and judicial sector, however, is generally poor and allegations of corruption are rife.

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