OECS Restorative Justice Workshops

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Title: OECS Restorative Justice Workshops
País: St. Lucia
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="http://www.oecs-jlr.org">OECS-CIDA Judicial and LegalReform Project (JLR)</a>, 2003, 17 p.Fuente: <a href="http://www.oecs-jlr.org">OECS-CIDA Judicial and LegalReform Project (JLR)</a>, 2003, 17 p.
Reseña: In 2001 and 2002 the OECS Judicial and Legal Reform Project conducted national consultations in six countries in the OECS to identify country-specific priorities for pilot project funding under the Complementary MeasuresComponent of the Project. Three countries - Antigua, Grenada and Dominica - identifiedrestorative justice programs for juveniles as one of their top priorities. In response to this interesta two-day Restorative Justice Planning Workshop was developed by the JLR and held in each ofthese countries in November 2002.

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