Pretrial Risk Assessment in the Federal Court (2009)

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Title: Pretrial Risk Assessment in the Federal Court (2009)
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: Office of the Federal Detention Trustee, Office of the Federal Detention Trustee,
Reseña: Consistent with the mission of Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (OFDT), the current study was sponsored by OFDT with support from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. The purpose of this research effort was twofold:- identify statistically significant and policy relevant predictors of pretrial outcome to identify federal criminal defendants who are most suited for pretrial release without jeopardizing the integrity of the judicial process or the safety of the community, in particular release predicated on participation in an alternatives to detention program; and- develop recommendations for the use of OFDT funding that supports the Federal Judiciary’s alternatives to detention program.Reseña: Consistent with the mission of Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (OFDT), the current study was sponsored by OFDT with support from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. The purpose of this research effort was twofold:- identify statistically significant and policy relevant predictors of pretrial outcome to identify federal criminal defendants who are most suited for pretrial release without jeopardizing the integrity of the judicial process or the safety of the community, in particular release predicated on participation in an alternatives to detention program; and- develop recommendations for the use of OFDT funding that supports the Federal Judiciary’s alternatives to detention program.

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