Pretrial Services Programs: Responsibilities and Potential (2001)

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Title: Pretrial Services Programs: Responsibilities and Potential (2001)
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: National Institute of Justice, National Institute of Justice,
Reseña: This report provides a review of issues and practices in the pretrial services field. It describes how pretrial programs operate, discusses key policy issues, and outlines issues and challenges for the future. It pays particular attention to how pretrial services programs obtain and convey information relevant to the pretrial release/detention decision.It also describes how pretrial services agencies, the court, and other criminal justice system agencies can work together to minimize the risks of nonappearance and pretrial crime.This report encourages policymakers and practitioners to examine front-end decisionmaking practices and consider the roles pretrial services programs can play in making criminal justice processes more effective while enhancing public safety.Reseña: This report provides a review of issues and practices in the pretrial services field. It describes how pretrial programs operate, discusses key policy issues, and outlines issues and challenges for the future. It pays particular attention to how pretrial services programs obtain and convey information relevant to the pretrial release/detention decision.It also describes how pretrial services agencies, the court, and other criminal justice system agencies can work together to minimize the risks of nonappearance and pretrial crime.This report encourages policymakers and practitioners to examine front-end decisionmaking practices and consider the roles pretrial services programs can play in making criminal justice processes more effective while enhancing public safety.

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