Psychological Expert Witness Evaluation of the Credibility of Testimony- Inter-Institutional Working Document (Evaluación Pericial Psicológica de Credibilidad de Testimonio - Documento de Trabajo Interinstitucional-Spanish language document)

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dc.coverage.spatial Chile 2016-01-07T15:28:29Z 2016-01-07T15:28:29Z
dc.description.abstract The radical reform of the criminal justice process that our countries have been undergoing for the past few years involved a cultural change of enormous proportions in our legal tradition. One of the most important shifts that have taken place is directly related to the role that each operator plays in the process. Under the new system, prosecutors must engage in an effort to convict and convince in the court of defendants’ responsibility for the crimes of which they are accused while judges must issue sentences that offer explicit information on each of the suppositions and arguments presented by the parties.
dc.title Psychological Expert Witness Evaluation of the Credibility of Testimony- Inter-Institutional Working Document (Evaluación Pericial Psicológica de Credibilidad de Testimonio - Documento de Trabajo Interinstitucional-Spanish language document)

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