Reparations for Sexual and Reproductive Violence: Prospects for Achieveing Gender Justice in Guatema

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Title: Reparations for Sexual and Reproductive Violence: Prospects for Achieveing Gender Justice in Guatema
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: The International Journal of Transitional JusticeFuente: The International Journal of Transitional Justice
Reseña: Sexual and reproductive violence (SRV) perpetrated against women during war or under authoritarian regimes is one of the most severe manifestations of gender-based violence. The authors ask how governments in new or reforming democracies hope to repair SRV and how state programs for reparation might be conceptualized and delivered. By examining the cases of Guatemala and Peru, they explore the problematic of repairing damage caused by SRV and comment on prospects for redress to victims in each country.

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