Successfully Acquiring Data from the Criminal Courts: Is It What You Know, Who You Know, or What You Don’t Tell Them?

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Title: Successfully Acquiring Data from the Criminal Courts: Is It What You Know, Who You Know, or What You Don’t Tell Them?
País: Estados Unidos
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">National Center for State Courts</a>Fuente: <a href="" target="_blank">National Center for State Courts</a>
Reseña: This study examines issues centering on the collection of court-related data. Specifically,it questions whether researchers run into difficulties in collecting data for research onthe criminal courts. Information was gathered through in-depth interviews with twentysevenresearchers around the country who have experience collecting court data.Indeed, the overwhelming majority of these researchers reported encountering problemsin collecting court data and admitted the use of several different strategies. These strategiesinclude using a contact within or close to the agency, as well as withholding theexact nature of the researcher’s study.

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