The Federal Court System in the United States: An introduction for judges and judicial administrators in other countries

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Title: The Federal Court System in the United States: An introduction for judges and judicial administrators in other countries
País: Estados Unidos
Fuente: Fuente: <a href="">U.S. Courts</a>Fuente: <a href="">U.S. Courts</a>
Reseña: This publication was developedby the Administrative Officeof the United States Courts toprovide an introduction to thefederal judicial system, itsorganization and administration,itsrelationship to the legislative andexecutive branches of the federalgovernment, and its relationshipto the state court systems. TheAdministrative Office is the judicialbranch’s central support agencyresponsible for providing a broadrange of management, legal,technical, communications, andother support services for theadministration of the federal courts.

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