The Operational Plan for California's Judicial Branch, 2008-2011

Show simple item record Judicial Council of California / Administrative Office of the Courts
dc.coverage.spatial USA 2016-01-07T15:29:14Z 2016-01-07T15:29:14Z
dc.description.abstract On behalf of the Judicial Council of California, we are pleased to present this operationalplan for achieving the goals set for California’s judicial branch by the council in collaborationwith justice system partners.Justice in Focus: The Strategic Plan for California’s Judicial Branch, 2006–2012 (adoptedDecember 1, 2006) established six overarching strategic goals. This operational plan setsforth specific objectives and desired outcomes for achieving those goals during the nextthree years. Intended to be a living document to direct and inform the work of the Californiacourts, the Judicial Council, its advisory committees and task forces, and the AdministrativeOffice of the Courts, the operational plan is not an exhaustive inventory of activities to beperformed at the state level. Rather, it presents a three-year, branchwide agenda of priorityresults to be achieved. The plan will undergo regular assessment to ensure that it remainsappropriate to changing times and priorities.We welcome your contributions in our ongoingOn behalf of the Judicial Council of California, we are pleased to present this operational plan for achieving the goals set for California’s judicial branch by the council in collaboration with justice system partners.Justice in Focus: The Strategic Plan for California’s Judicial Branch, 2006–2012 (adopted December 1, 2006) established six overarching strategic goals. This operational plan sets forth specific objectives and desired outcomes for achieving those goals during the next three years. Intended to be a living document to direct and inform the work of the California courts, the Judicial Council, its advisory committees and task forces, and the Administrative Office of the Courts, the operational plan is not an exhaustive inventory of activities to be performed at the state level. Rather, it presents a three-year, branchwide agenda of priority results to be achieved. The plan will undergo regular assessment to ensure that it remains appropriate to changing times and priorities.We welcome your contributions in our ongoing planning process, as well as your participation in achieving our common goals.
dc.language.iso English
dc.title The Operational Plan for California's Judicial Branch, 2008-2011
dc.ceja.source Fuente: Judicial Council of California / Administrative Office of the Courts

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