The Powers and Role of the Judiciary

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dc.coverage.spatial Bahamas 2016-01-07T15:29:14Z 2016-01-07T15:29:14Z
dc.description.abstract Moral codes survive only if they are constantly taught and practiced. Rules are kept by convention, habit and selfinterest, and, to a large extent, because other people keep them. Self-interest works for the common good. Operating a code of behaviour is like a pyramid sales operation. As long as it continues, its working guarantees its future. Once a significant number of people start to breach the code with any frequency, self-interest becomes self-centredness and thewhole system falters. People behave badly; other people then behave badly because they have lost trust. They do not have the confidence to follow what their consciences often prompt them to do. Disorder becomes its own recruiting sergeant.
dc.title The Powers and Role of the Judiciary

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