The Uneven Performance of Third Wave Democracies: Electoral Politics and the Rule of Law in Lati

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Title: The Uneven Performance of Third Wave Democracies: Electoral Politics and the Rule of Law in Lati
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: Latin American Politics and SocietyFuente: Latin American Politics and Society
Reseña: This article investigates the performance of the new democracies of the third wave by developing a conceptual model of the core elements of liberal democratic government and by constructing a new Database of Liberal Democratic Performance. The performance shows to be uneven in two main ways. First, the institutional attributes of democratic government advance while individual attributes coexist uncomfortably, as do particular rights. A comparison of Brazil, Colombia, and Guatemala complements the big picture drawn from the database and focuses on the specific contextual conditions that can create the general political contours of the wave. The uneven democratic performance of these cases is mainly explained by the combination of persistent oligarchic power and largely unaccountable military. Yet uneven performance, and the imperfect rule of law in particular, does not necessarily prevent democratic survival.

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