Releasing the pressure on remand: Bail support solutions for children in New South Wales

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Title: Releasing the pressure on remand: Bail support solutions for children in New South Wales
País: Australia
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: UnitingCare BurnsideFuente: UnitingCare Burnside
Reseña: This position paper has been developed in response to the Roundtable on Keeping Children and Young People out of Remand that was convened by the Council of Social Service of NSW (NCOSS) on 26 March 2009. Participants at the Roundtable discussion represented NCOSS, the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), UnitingCare Burnside, CREATE Foundation, Wesley Mission, Anglicare, Barnardos, Catholic Social Services NSW/ACT, the Aboriginal Child, Family and Community Care State Secretariat (AbSec), the Youth Action Policy Association (YAPA) and the Youth Justice Coalition (YJC).

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