A Framework for Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems

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Title: A Framework for Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente: Center for Effective Public Policy, pretrial.orgFuente: Center for Effective Public Policy, pretrial.org
Reseña: In June 2008, the National Institute of Corrections awarded the Center for Effective Public Policy, in partnership with the Pretrial Justice Institute, the Justice Management Institute, and The Carey Group, a cooperative agreement to address Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems. The goal of the initiative is to build a systemwide framework (arrest through final disposition and discharge) that will result in more collaborative, evidence-based decision making and practices in local criminal justice systems. The initiative is grounded in the accumulated knowledge of two decades of research on the factors that contribute to criminal reoffending and the processes and methods the justice system can employ to interrupt the cycle of reoffense. The effort seeks to equip criminal justice policymakers in local communities with the information, processes, and tools that will result in measurable reductions of pretrial misconduct and post-conviction reoffending. The principle product of the initial 18-month phase of this initiative is this document—A Framework for Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems (“the Framework”)—designed to advance constructive change in local level criminal justice decision making. The Framework describes key criminal justice decisions, evidence-based knowledge about effective justice practices, and practical local level strategies for applying risk and harm reduction principles and techniques.

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