Foreign Precedents in Mexico Constitutional Adjudication

Show simple item record Eduardo Ferrer Mac-GreGor and Rubén Sánchez Gil
dc.coverage.spatial México 2016-01-08T19:12:06Z 2016-01-08T19:12:06Z
dc.description.abstract This note is about how Mexican Courts with constitutional jurisdiction have used foreign precedents to support their judgments. It provides an initial overview of the central issues with the objective of stimulating a broader discussion on the topic. The authors have reviewed several judgments from the Mexican Supreme and other Courts that are influenced by foreign judicial opinions. They conclude that this comparative practice by Mexican Courts lacks publicity and standards that could ease its review and application.
dc.language.iso English
dc.title Foreign Precedents in Mexico Constitutional Adjudication
dc.ceja.source Fuente: Mexican Law Review

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