Framework for High Performance Prosecutorial Services

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Title: Framework for High Performance Prosecutorial Services
País: United States
Idioma: English
Fuente: Fuente:  United States Department of JusticeFuente:  United States Department of Justice
Reseña: This document describes the Framework for High Performance Prosecutorial Services as articulated by these leading prosecutors across the country, the current state of prosecutorial roles and needs, and the strategies that prosecutors are employing to meet the growing expectations of their communities. The High Performance Framework serves as an umbrella to capture the forward-looking practices being tested by leading prosecutors throughout the Nation today. Described are innovative strategies for the modern prosecutor's toolkit. Since trial advocacy is at the core of the prosecutorial function, this document identifies four additional components in which prosecutors should examine beyond trial advocacy to ensure their offices are delivering high performing prosecutorial services. Key components of this strategic evolution include: Embracing Community Prosecution; Harnessing Science and Technology; Implementing Information Sharing; and Employing Outcome Evaluation. Data for this report were collected from two roundtable sessions hosted by the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA), in partnership with the Center for Court Innovation (CCI), in which leading prosecutors from across the country assembled to identify ways to support and advance the prosecutorial profession.

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