Judicial Reform in Latin America - An Assessment

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Title: Judicial Reform in Latin America - An Assessment
País: Chile
Reseña: Judicial reform has long been seen as a prerequisite for the consolidation of democracy and for sustainable development in Latin America. Most countries in the region approached the last decade of the twentieth century with weak, politically vulnerable, and ineffective judicial institutions. Few were capable of holding executive power in proper balance, of guaranteeing the effective observance of basic human and civil rights, of promoting an atmosphere conducive to economic development, especially to foreign and domesticinvestment, or of providing basic security to citizens. They suffered from antiquated criminal codes, poorly organized and underfunded courts, inadequate training and compensation of judges, judicial officials, and police, legal procedures that minimized transparency, and often-deplorable prison conditions. In recognition of these problems and with the encouragement and support of the international community, many countries in the region have undertaken programs and projects to overhaul their judicial systems and institutions.

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