Guide to the National Standards for Bail Supervision and Support Schemes

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Title: Guide to the National Standards for Bail Supervision and Support Schemes
País: Estados Unidos De America
Fecha de Publicación: 2001
Idioma: en
Reseña: 4 INTRODUCTION 1. In April 2000 the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales published National Standards for youth justice. Paragraphs 6.3 and 6.4 of those standards refer to bail supervision and support and to bail information and assessment. This document provides detailed standards for bail supervision and support to which all agencies will be expected to comply. Purpose of Bail Support and Supervision Standards The National Standards for Youth Justice were published in April 2000, and although they outline what is required, do not provide detail about how bail supervision and support services should be delivered. The relevant paragraphs relating to bail supervision and support state that: The standards that are contained in this document are specific to bail supervision and support. They provide a framework for service delivery that meets the Youth Justice Board ’ s objectives (see standard 4.1 ) and provide clarity on a range of issues including programme content, enforcement and breach. Although bail information, the use of Bail ASSET and other remand management issues are referred to within the bail supervision and support standards, the purpose of this document is not to provide detailed guidance on these particular aspects

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