Legal reforms that make judges independent from political pressures and empower them with judicial review do not make an effective judiciary. Somethin...
This article provides an empirical synthesis of the existing literature on the effectiveness of restorative justice practices using meta-analytic tech...
In June 2008, the National Institute of Corrections awarded the Center for Effective Public Policy, in partnership with the Pretrial Justice Institute...
Hate crimes and hate crime legislation – Working with other critical agencies and groups – Case identification, screening, and investigation – Case pr...
Both advocates and critics of decentralization assume that decentralization invariably increases the power of subnational governments. However, a clos...
Restorative justice has become a global phenomenon in criminal justice systems. Resonating with, and in some cases drawing from, indigenous conception...
Cameron and Sharpe begin with the observation that Latin American left turns have occurred within the framework of electoral democracy, and that the c...
This Article attempts to describe certain characteristics of Latin American legal culture that have jurisprudential implications and to inquire into c...
This brochure describes the OVC Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program, which provides federal funds to support crisis response, consequence m...
Document aims to inform rational science-based pathway offering contributions to overcoming technological problems that increase CO2 emissions and pro...
Like other U.S. cities, New York is gradually increasing its use of alternatives to incarceration (ATIs) for people who have committed felonies. This ...
This article first provides a survey of recent Mexican banking his- tory. It then analyzes the causes that led to the peso crisis (1995) and the bank-...
Recent bankruptcy reforms were spurred in part by a bankruptcy filing rate that has more than doubled in the last ten years and that has risen by appr...
This NIJ Report provides judges and probation officers with basic information about batterer treatment program goals and methods. It summarizes the ra...
This report focuses on the experiences of workers in the zones, mainly young women, who are often employed in low skill repetitive work in enterprises...
The books reviewed here fall into three broad categories which structure the remainder of this essay. Mirow and French address the history of law and ...
Patterns of business participation of policy making vary widely across Latin America, and especially across some of the larger countries Mexico, Brazi...
A Guidebook for Law Enforcement focuses on police call management strategies and how they affect community policing today. This guidebook looks at the...
This paper is a part of the U.S. Chapter of Transparency International’s ad hoc working group on judicial integrity. Hammergren was asked by Transpare...
In November 2003, the American Prosecutors Research Institute (APRI) brought together over 200 prosecutors, law enforcement officers, DNA analysts, Se...