Indice de accesibilidad de la información judicial en Internet
Fecha de publicación:
La cuarta versión del Índice de Accesibilidad a la Información Judicial en Internet – 2008 muestra los progresos, retrocesos y actuales desafíos de lo...
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo incursionar en las modalidades
de trabajo, practicas y rutinas que el sistema de justicia penal chileno
The purpose of a pretrial risk assessment instrument is to identify the likelihood of failure to appear in court and the danger to the community posed...
In many countries, overreliance on detention is a major problem both at pretrial and dispositional stages of criminal proceedings. International stand...
This Third Edition of the NAPSA Standards on Pretrial Release is the product of a thorough review of the two previous editions of NAPSA Release Stan...
This report has been produced by Nacro Cymru, which was commissioned to act as the
national evaluator of Bail Supervision and Support schemes funded ...
Procedural fairness is the cornerstone of a criminal justice system that supports the guarantees of our
legal system—innocent until proven guilty. S...
This report presents the findings of a survey of pretrial services programs
recently completed by the Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI), with funding...
Pretrial services programs gather the information that the judge is required by statute to
consider in making a pretrial release decision. Such info...
Una de las primeras visitas de trabajo del PPIM a Morelos en junio de 2008 concluyó con un diagnóstio inicial sobre el estado del sistema de medidas c...